Dollar Bay / Tamarack City Area Schools

Seniors   ~   Class of 2006

Class Advisor  -----  Ms. Kris Callog

Ms. Callog has been working at Dollar Bay for many years, and she has been the Class of 2006's advisor for a few years now.  The working class has plans of going to Hawaii for their Senior Class trip.  Everyone is very excited about going and they have been looking forward to it for a long time.  Congratulations Seniors!!!!!

Front :  Breanne, Kristen, Samantha

2nd Row :  Kyle, Krystle, LaCresha, Nathan
3rd Row :  Coalton, Jeremy, Pamela, Michael, Caitlin
Back :  Joshua, Amber, Kieran, Chelsea, Shea
Missing :  Wallace

Kieran works on the school webpages.
Chelsea studies during her A.P. Biology class.

Pamela concentrates on her homework.
Coalton takes a break from Algebra.

Wallace shows off his skills in the metal shop.
Kristen works on her A.P. Biology homework.

Sam shows us her more mellow side.
Jeremy flashes a grin during his study hall.

Amber wanders the halls after making copies.
Shea is looks hard for just the right tools.

Mike tries to wake up for a quick snapshot.
Josh questions everyone's motives.

Caitlin cuts tickets in the Principal's office.
Krystle writes down her answers in Study Hall.

LaCresha shows off her glowing smile.
Nathan relaxes during his easy German class.

Breanne writes her brilliant speech.
Kyle is mischievious during his English 12 class.

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Click on the following links to visit other web pages about our Seniors.....

Our Future Plans                                                        Class of 2006


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