Dollar Bay / Tamarack City Area Schools

Seniors   ~   Class of 2006


Kieran's Future Plans
What do you want to do after high school?  Go to college, move/live in NYC & LA, and be happy!
Do you plan on going to college?  Yes!, at Ripon College in Ripon, Wisconsin
What will you major in/what are you interested in?  Journalism or Advertising
Where do you want to live once you have finished college or have a job?  Someplace warm
Do you want to be married?  I don't know
Do you eventually want a family?  Maybe? I don't know.  I don't know how many kids either, ask me in a few years.
What do you want to be your future job?  Publicist (hopefully I can spell then)
What's important in a job?  Happiness, fun, and satisfaction

Chelsea's Future Plans
What do you want to do after high school?  Find a job, go to college, and spend the summer with my friends and family
Do you plan on going to college?  Yes, at Northern Michigan University in Marquette, Michigan
What will you major in/what are you interested in?  Athletic Training, or possibly teaching Science
Where do you want to live once you have finished college or have a job?  Someplace in Michigan, hopefully not too far from my family
Do you want to be married?  Yes, to Randy Laurn
Do you eventually want a family?  Yes and I want at least 2 kids
What do you want to be your future job?  An Athletic Trainer or maybe a Science teacher
What's important in a job?  Being happy, looking forward to coming to work everyday, and enjoying my work

Pamela's Future Plans
What do you want to do after high school?  Attend a 4 year college and grad school after that
Do you plan on going to college?  Yes, I'm undecided, but I want to go anywhere but here
What will you major in/what are you interested in?  Chemistry or Biology
Where do you want to live once you have finished college or have a job?  Somewhere in the city
Do you want to be married?  Yes, to whom I have NO clue
Do you eventually want a family?  Yes and I want 3 kids
What do you want to be your future job?  I'm not sure
What's important in a job?  Makes enough money to live comfortably and is fun to do

Coalton's Future Plans
What do you want to do after high school?  Become an Auto Mechanic
Do you plan on going to college?  Yes, at Gogebic Community College in Ironwood
What will you major in/what are you interested in?  Auto Mechanics Field
Where do you want to live once you have finished college or have a job?  Wherever the job takes me
Do you want to be married?  Yes, to my girlfriend Stella in like 5 years
Do you eventually want a family?  Yes, but only 1 kid
What do you want to be your future job?  Auto Mechanic
What's important in a job?  Making money and having fun

Kristen's Future Plans
What do you want to do after high school?  Excell in my drawing and study photography
Do you plan on going to college?  Yes, Finlandia University in Hancock, Michigan
What will you major in/what are you interested in?  Photography and Advertisement
Where do you want to live once you have finished college or have a job?  Probably here
Do you want to be married?  Yes, to Steve Rudy Alatalo
Do you eventually want a family?  Yes and I want 2 to 4 kids
What do you want to be your future job?  Photography or Advertising
What's important in a job?  My love and interest in it

Sam's Future Plans
What do you want to do after high school?  Go to college
Do you plan on going to college?  Yes, I'm undecided as to where, but hopefully somewhere else besides here
What will you major in/what are you interested in?  Massage Therapy
Where do you want to live once you have finished college or have a job?  Anywhere but here
Do you want to be married?  Yes, I don't know who I want to marry
Do you eventually want a family?  Yes, and I'd like to have 2 or 3 kids
What do you want to be your future job?  Masseuse
What's important in a job?  That you enjoy what you do

Jeremey's Future Plans
What do you want to do after high school?  Go to college at Finlandia to be a Cop
Do you plan on going to college?  Yes, at Finlandia University in Hancock, Michigan
What will you major in/what are you interested in?  Criminal Justice
Where do you want to live once you have finished college or have a job?  Around here
Do you want to be married?  Yes, as of now to Brittney Pelland
Do you eventually want a family?  Yes and I want 2 kids
What do you want to be your future job?  Cop
What's important in a job?  Make money, be happy, have time to do other fun stuff

Amber's Future Plans
What do you want to do after high school?  I want to move away from here, go to college, eventually get married, and have kids
Do you plan on going to college?  Yes, at first I want to go to a Community College, but then I want to go to Arizona State in Arizona
What will you major in/what are you interested in?  Business
Where do you want to live once you have finished college or have a job?  Arizona or Texas
Do you want to be married?  Yes, to Steven Sleeman
Do you eventually want a family?  Yes, and 2 kids at the most
What do you want to be your future job?  Owning a business
What's important in a job?  What you're doing and making lots of money

Shea's Future Plans
What do you want to do after high school?  Go on a couple road trips and save my money and hopefully buy a good/decent car
Do you plan on going to college?  Yes, I'm undecided at the moment, but I'd like to go either far from here or close
What will you major in/what are you interested in?  Sports Medicine or Physical Therapy
Where do you want to live once you have finished college or have a job?  In a big, nice house
Do you want to be married?  Yes, hopefully to my Seth David : )
Do you eventually want a family?  Yes, eventually, and a couple of kids
What do you want to be your future job?  A Physical Therapist or something in Sports Medicine
What's important in a job?  I want to be happy, but make a reasonable amount of money

Mikey's Future Plans
What do you want to do after high school?  Go to Ferris State for Radiology
Do you plan on going to college?  Yes, at Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Michigan
What will you major in/what are you interested in?  Radiology
Where do you want to live once you have finished college or have a job?  Not sure
Do you want to be married?  Yes, to whoever I'm in love with
Do you eventually want a family?  Yes, and I would like 2 kids
What do you want to be your future job?  Radiologist
What's important in a job?  Enjoy it and get good money

Josh's Future Plans
What do you want to do after high school?  Go to college for some sort of writing
Do you plan on going to college?  Yes, at Ferris State University downstate
What will you major in/what are you interested in?  Classic Literature
Where do you want to live once you have finished college or have a job?  Not really sure
Do you want to be married?  Yes, but to whom I have no idea
Do you eventually want a family?  Yes, and 3 kids
What do you want to be your future job?  A freelance writer
What's important in a job?  Freedom

Caitlin's Future Plans
What do you want to do after high school?  Maybe go to Arizona for a couple of weeks, then go to college, hopefully get a job in Physical Therapy, and start a family
Do you plan on going to college?  Yes, either at Central Michigan University or Grand Valley State University downstate
What will you major in/what are you interested in?  Physical Therapy
Where do you want to live once you have finished college or have a job?  Um.....either Arizona or somwhere around here
Do you want to be married?  Yes, to Jacob Stevens
Do you eventually want a family?  Yes, and I want 3 or 4 kids
What do you want to be your future job?  Physical Therapist or Physical Therapy Assistant
What's important in a job?  Making lots of money, being happy, meeting new people, helping people, and having fun

Krystle's Future Plans
What do you want to do after high school?  Go to college and get my masters
Do you plan on going to college?  Yes, at the University of West Florida in Fort Walton Beach, Florida
What will you major in/what are you interested in?  Physical Therapy & Training
Where do you want to live once you have finished college or have a job?  Florida or Michigan
Do you want to be married?  Yes, to Ross Rouleau, but not for many years to come
Do you eventually want a family?  Yes and I want 3 kids
What do you want to be your future job?  Physical Therapist
What's important in a job?  I want to be happy with my career first and foremost, but I can't say money is not important

LaCresha's Future Plans
What do you want to do after high school?  I want to go to NMU (Northern Michigan University) for Radiograpy
Do you plan on going to college?  Yes, to Marquette General Institute in Marquette, Michigan
What will you major in/what are you interested in?  Radiology
Where do you want to live once you have finished college or have a job?  I don't know for sure, away from her and then move back once I'm OLD
Do you want to be married?  Yes, to whom,.....WOW!  I have no idea
Do you eventually want a family?  Of course, with 4 or less kids
What do you want to be your future job?  I want to do ultrasounds or MRIs
What's important in a job?  Be happy, make people happy, help people, and make a difference in their life

Nathan's Future Plans
What do you want to do after high school?  Go to college and after college go into the USAF
Do you plan on going to college?  Yes, at MTU (Michigan Technological University) in Houghton, Michigan
What will you major in/what are you interested in?  Electrical Engineering
Where do you want to live once you have finished college or have a job?  California, Florida, the moon, or Mars
Do you want to be married?  Yes, to a girl (preferably good looking)
Do you eventually want a family?  Yes, and I would like about 4 kids
What do you want to be your future job?  Making sweet stuff for the Air Force
What's important in a job?  Happiness, money's not everything

Breanne's Future Plans
What do you want to do after high school?  Go to Finlandia University and become an anesthesiologist or a nurse or nurse anesthetist
Do you plan on going to college?  Yes, at Finlandia University in Hancock, Michigan
What will you major in/what are you interested in?  Medical field
Where do you want to live once you have finished college or have a job?  I don't know yet
Do you want to be married?  Yes, to Dustin Jaehnig!
Do you eventually want a family?  Yes and I want 2 to 3 kids
What do you want to be your future job?  Nurse, Chiropractor, Anesthesiologist, Nurse Anesthetist,.....not for sure
What's important in a job?  To be happy doing what you do and making decent money to buy nice things, like a nice house and car

Kyle's Future Plans
What do you want to do after high school?  College for 2 years
Do you plan on going to college?  Yes, at Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan
What will you major in/what are you interested in?  Mechanical Engineering
Where do you want to live once you have finished college or have a job?  Somewhere around here
Do you want to be married?  Yes, to a girl
Do you eventually want a family?  Yes, but I have no idea how many kids I want
What do you want to be your future job?  Mechanical Engineering
What's important in a job?  A job I enjoy going to and close to home

Wallace's Future Plans
What do you want to do after high school?  I plan to get a masters in arson investigation; I want a job in the medical field
Do you plan on going to college?  Yes, but I'm undecided as to where I'll go
What will you major in/what are you interested in?  Emergency Services and Fire Investigation
Where do you want to live once you have finished college or have a job?  Lake Linden or surrounding areas
Do you want to be married?  Yes, to someone who is very nice and loves me for who I am and not what I have
Do you eventually want a family?  Yes, and I would like to have 2 kids
What do you want to be your future job?  Work in an Emergency Room
What's important in a job?  Be happy and make a lot of money

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