Dollar Bay / Tamarack City Area Schools

Seniors   ~   Class of 2006

Kieran Bailey &
** Chelsea Bond &
* Pamela Busser &
Coalton Campioni
Kristen Fallon
Samantha French
Jeremy Huuki
Amber Isaacson
Shea Laitila
Michael Leino
Weston McEvoy
Joshua Morrison
Caitlin Norlin
Krystle Rivest &

LaCresha Schmitz
Nathan Smith &
Breanne Townsend
Kyle Waatti &
** Valedictorian ~  Chelsea Bond                                 * Salutatorian ~  Pamela Busser
      & ~ Graduates with Honors                                    ~ Class Advisor ~ Ms. Kris Callog

Class Motto ~  What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are small matters compared to what lies within us.
~  Oliver Wendell Holmes

Class Song ~  The Calling - "Our Lives"

Class Colors ~ Royal Blue and White

Class Flower ~ Yellow Plumeria

Commencement Date ~ June 04, 2006.........2:00 p.m.

Class Favorites

Worst Drivers ~  Coalton Campioni and Amber Isaacson
Loudest ~  Amber Isaacson and Josh Morrison
Most Likely to Succeed ~  Chelsea Bond and Nathan Smith
Best Eyes ~  Pamela Busser and Coalton Campioni
Quietest ~  Kieran Bailey and Kyle Waatti
Warmest Smile ~  Mike Leino and Breanne Townsend
Gossips ~  Coalton Campioni and Kristen Fallon
Most Mischievous ~  Coalton Campioni and Sam French
Most Athletic ~  Kristen Fallon and Mike Leino
Flirts ~  Kristen Fallon and Mike Leino
Partiers ~  Sam French and Mike Leino
Slackers ~  Josh Morrison and Caitlin Norlin
Most Opinionated ~  Pamela Busser and Nathan Smith
Most Fashionable ~  Jeremy Huuki and Krystle Rivest
First to be Married ~  Chelsea Bond and Kyle Waatti
Senior Class Picnic ~ May ??, 2006,  McClain's State Park         

       Senior Class Trip ~ May 24 - June 01, 2006          Oahu, Hawaii

Graduation ~ June 04, 2006.........2:00 p.m.

Click on the following links to visit other web pages about our Seniors.....

Our Future Plans                                                      Senior Candids

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