
Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools

Twelfth Grade Fall 2023-2024

Colleen makes a new friend!
Work smarter, not harder!
Matt is ready to score!

Johnny the music man!
"Nothing to see here..."
Feeling Cool?
It's abstract, right?"Kayden, that's not your seat."Gotta love lunch time.

Dragging your friend to class?Coloring with Taryn!
"Go away. I'm not sharing this."

Feeling spooky!Payton and Kaylen are hard at work.The best of friends!

Colleen is channelling her inner artist."Shhh, this is important..."What's so funny?
Ready for another day of learning!Adelyn is being a Bolt and putting her phone away.Taryn is making gingerbread houses!

Good Food?Finding sponsers for the yearbook!Tessa loves Halloween.
Wash your hands first!Jude and Ben are hard at work.Almost done?

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