Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools

Third Grade Fall 2023-2024

Math is fun and games for Bryce.Teamwork makes dreamwork!"Recess is my favorite class."
Reach for the sky, Avaya!Basketball champs and best friends.Aria's adding the final touches to her paper.

"We forgot our inside shoes.""Actually, you can't divide by zero."Line up!
Nala's got a lot of reading to do.Claudia's getting some energy out before class!"Crazy hair, don't care!"
Last assignment of the year!"Which one has the most pictures?"Jackson's having fun in computers.
Dawson's a star at computers."High and spinny, please.""Umm... can you let me do my work?"
"All in.""Freeze!"Noah's happy with the shining sun.

Claudia's focused.Look what flew in.Taking a breather.

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