Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools

Athletic Handbook  2005-2006

Michigan High School Athletic Association

Physical Examinations

Eligibility Regulations

Code of Conduct

Voilation of Rules

Penalties due to violation of the code of conduct

Appeals Process
Athletic Council
Athletic Committee

The purpose of this handbook is to inform our student-athletes and their parents of the Dollar Bay-Tamarack City Area Schools athletic rules and policies. It must be understood that the rules set forth in this document are intended to enhance the quality of the educational experiences available through athletics by providing an athletic program based on proper discipline and positive values.


Being a Dollar Bay athlete carries with it a tremendous amount of responsibility. Your conduct at school, practice and games affects the image people have of Dollar Bay-Tamarack Area Schools.

We believe that our athletes are students first, athletes second. Participating in sports is a privilege not a right. Student –athletes are held to a higher level of accountability than other students. You are much more noticeable and in the public eye. Represent yourself, your team, your coaches, and your school in a positive manner.


Michigan High School Athletic Association

The Dollar Bay-Tamarack City Area Schools is a member of the MHSAA. All rules, regulations, and policies of the organization are followed in accordance with the MHSAA handbook.


Physical Examinations

Every athlete must have a completed and signed physical examination card on file in the athletic director’s office previous to participation. This includes, conditioning sessions and practice.


Eligibility Regulations

The eligibility rules and regulations are set forth by the Michigan High School Athletic Association and the Dollar Bay-Tamarack City Area Schools. Students participating in athletics must be aware of the rules and abide by them to be eligible for participation.


1.     To be eligible for interscholastic athletics in the Dollar Bay-Tamarack City Area Schools a student must be passing a minimum of five(5) academic subjects with a  total of twenty-five(25) hours of classroom. Weekly checks will be made throughout the season on Monday. If a student is not passing five(5) classes they will be ineligible until the check again the following Monday.


The student will take an eligibility card to each of his/her teachers. At the end of the day they will return it to the athletic director. If a student is not receiving a passing grade of at least a D- in five(5) out of six(6) classes (or five out of five or six out of seven) that student will be determined to be ineligible for the following week.


2.     Student-athletes must have successfully completed five(5) academic subjects (2.5 credits) during the semester immediately preceding.


3. Student-athletes will be ineligible if they accept or have from any source anything for participating in athletics which exceeds fifteen(15) dollars in value. All athletes should check with the coach or athletic director before accepting anything.


4.     Student-athletes should check with the coach or athletic director before participating in any non-school athletic event anytime during the school year. This regulation is in place to prevent loss of eligibility.


5.     Team rules and any other regulations will be up to the individual coach for that sport.

Note: These rules will follow the guidelines of the school code of ethics.

6.     The student must sign the code of conduct and agree to abide by its rules.


7.     Student-athletes must attend the entire school day in order to participate in practice or in a game that evening. In the event of an absence for doctors’ appointments, permission must be received prior to the appointment from the athletic director/principal. If a student receives an unexcused absence for any hour during the day of an athletic contest the athlete will not be permitted to play in the game that evening. Students must also be in attendance at school the morning following a contest unless they have a doctor’s excuse. 

*There may be an exception if the bus gets back from a contest later than midnight. They will be excused for an absence 1st hour the next morning. They must get their make-up work that day.


8.     Students must use transportation provided by the school for all AWAY contests. Parents may ask permission for their son/daughter to ride home with them or another responsible adult, but only if they are at the contest, and such a request is made in person after the contest. Coaches may require that all student-athletes ride the bus.

*Coaches may require a signed note to keep record of it for liability purposes*


9.     No athlete shall wear or use any school-owned equipment or uniform except in games and practices without proper authorization from the coach. Athletes are responsible for any damage/ loss to issued equipment/uniform.


Code of Conduct

The CODE OF CONDUCT is the set of major rules used to ensure the health and safety of our student-athletes. These rules, listed below, have specific penalties, and are referred to the Athletic Director for enforcement.

1.     Athletes shall not possess, use, or consume alcoholic beverages.

2.     Athletes shall not possess, distribute or use tobacco in any form, including chewing tobacco.

3.     Athletes shall not possess, use or consume any illegal or controlled substances/drugs. This rule also prohibits improper or unauthorized use of a legal drug, and/or possession of “drug paraphernalia.”

4.     Athletes shall not remain at a location where drugs or alcohol are being used or consumed illegally.

5.     Conduct unbecoming an athlete, depending on severity, will be a violation of the Athletic Code.



Violation of Rules

A violation of the athletic code must be reported to the coach, athletic director/principal. An administrator, coaching staff, school personnel, or any person wishing to report a violation may do so in writing, which must be signed and submitted to the athletic director/principal. A violation can occur anytime during the calendar year, 12 months, July 1 to June 30. A suspension will carry over to a new school year or new sports season. The athlete must complete the season in which the penalty is served, or it will continue into the next season in which the student-athlete chooses to participate.

In determining the number of offenses an athlete has incurred, all Code of Conduct violations will be numbered together. Thus, if an athlete breaks two different rules, the second infraction will be handled as a second offense. For example, if an athlete is caught drinking and later smoking, the smoking incident will be handled as a second offense.

Please note that violations carry over from year to year. For example if a violation occurs in 9th grade, and another in 10th grade, the student will be carrying two(2) violations into 11th grade.


Penalties due to a violation of the Code of Conduct



The use and/or possession of alcohol, tobacco, and/or misuse of a controlled substance in any form shall result in a suspension as listed:


          1st OFFENSE

          Basketball (Varsity/JV)                       Next five(5) games

          Basketball (Jr. High)                               Next three(3) games

          Cheerleading          (Varsity/JV/Jr. High)            Next five(5) games

          Golf                                                    Next two(2) matches

          Track (Varsity/JV/Jr. High)                             Next two(2) meets


          2nd OFFENSE

The student-athlete will be suspended from that sport in which he/she is involved with at the time of the violation for twice the length of the first offense. This will extend into the next sports season the student participates in if need be.




A suspension from all athletics for one calendar year(12 months) from the date of the third offense.



All high school eligibility ends at the point of the fourth offense.



Any other school Code of Conduct violations










Appeals Process

Whenever an athlete or his/her parents question the outcome of a hearing regarding an Athletic Code Violation, an appeal may be made to the Athletic Council. The appeal must be made in writing within two days after the decision is rendered. If the athlete/parents wish they may make another appeal to the athletic committee. The final appeal will be made to the entire Board of Education.

          1st- Athletic Director

          2nd-Athletic Council

          3rd-Athletic Committee

          4th-Board of Education


          Athletic Council

          The athletic council is composed of the Athletic Director/Principal, a coach, a teacher, and a parent. They will allow the athlete/parents to present their case. They will then go into a closed session to discuss and evaluate the information presented to them and vote to uphold or retract the original ruling.


          Athletic Committee

          The athletic committee is composed of the three members of the Board of Education Athletic Advisory Committee. The Athletic Director will present the information pertaining to the incident to the Athletic Committee. Then, the student and/or parents will present their information to the Athletic Committee. The Athletic Committee will render a decision within two days after the Athletic Committee Meeting. Further appeals will be presented to the entire Board of Education at the next Board Meeting.


Additional Provision


Student-athletes who seek help regarding chemical dependency problems will not be subject to disciplinary action provided that:

-There exists no violation a the time the student seeks help and, in the opinion of the Athletic Director or Principal, the spirit of the policy has not been violated; and

          -No subsequent violation occurs



















We have read the athletic handbook, have had a chance to ask questions, and understand the policies regarding participation in sports at Dollar Bay – Tamarack City Area Schools.



___________________________                                          _____________________________

Parent signature                                                                        Student-Athlete signature














































Coaches Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the coaching staff to:

1.     Provide a positive experience to the athletes.

2.     Make sure all athletes have physicals before the start of practice for the season.

3.     Submit an accurate roster to the office for purposes of eligibility and distribution of rosters to other schools one(1) week before the first game of the season.

4.     Set guidelines for the teams in regards to participation, practices, responsibilities, dress, and conduct.

5.     Take inventory of uniforms/equipment at the beginning and end of each season.


Individual coaches may establish “TEAM RULES” which do not conflict with the Code of Conduct or any other Miscellaneous rules. Coaches are responsible for communicating these rules to student-athletes and their parents. Enforcement of a coach’s individual rules is left up to the coach, under the direction of the Athletic Director. All rules must be approved by the Athletic Director in advance.