Dollar Bay-Tamarack City Area School's

Course Offerings


Computer Education
Foreign Language
Industrial Arts
Physical Education
Social Studies




Accounting I-II

Grade Level:  10-12
Elective:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  None

Students will gain understanding of introductory accounting concepts and practices,  Students will learn how to set up and maintain accounting systems for privately owned businesses, partnerships, and corporations.



Grade Level:  7 & 8
Required:  9 week blocks in both 7th & 8th grade
Prerequisites:  None

Students will learn to type all the characters and digits on they keyboard without looking at the keyboard using the correct fingers.  Students will also learn to use the number pad for numerical data.  Students will work on maximizing their speed and minimizing their errors when typing.  Students will be introduced to word processing, database, spreadsheet, graphing, desktop publishing, programming, and Internet applications.

Computer Applications I

Grade Level:  9
Required  Full year of computers required for graduation.
Prerequisites:  none

Students will gain a basic understanding of how the five parts of a computer system (hardware, software, people, procedures, and data) work.  Students will gain basic skills in operating word processing, database, spreadsheet, graphing, desktop publishing, web page design, and Internet applications.

Computer Applications II

Grade Level:  10-12
Elective:  Full year -one credit
Prerequisites:  Computer Applications I

Students will gain an in depth understanding of how the five parts of a computer system (hardware, software, people, procedures, and data) work together.  Students will gain in depth skills in operating word processing, database, spreadsheet, graphing, desktop publishing, web page design, Internet applications.  Students will learn to use multimedia technology to do computer generated slide shows, panoramas, vertical imaging, and video production.

Computer Programming I

Grade Level:  10-12
Elective:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  Algebra I

Students will learn to write programs using the BASIC language.  They will use their programming skills to develop databases, CAD programs, animation and game programs.

Computer Programming II

Grade Level:  11-12
Elective:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisite:  Computer Programming I

Students will learn to write programs using HTML, C++, and Visual Basics.  Students will use their programming skills to create web pages, general application programs, and game programs.


English 7

Grade Level:  7
Required:  Full year -
Prerequisites:  None

Grammar and mechanics are focused on by practicing them in a variety of writing possibilities.  They do one book report per marking period where I rotate between written and oral.  Two or three different novels are read with themes relating to their own lives.  Vocabulary is incorporated into the curriculum from the novels and books they are reading.

English 8

Grade Level:  8
Required:  Full year
Prerequisites:  None

Grammar and mechanics are used with writing, so they build on what they've previously learned.  There is a unit on mythology to help the students with note taking and study skills.  We read several novels to focus on themes and vocabulary.  Many writing assignments along with a poetry unit are included to help them feel comfortable writing about their lives.  This leads up to the career unit at the end of the year.

English 9

Grade Level:  9
Required:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  English 8

The first semester focuses on character, plot, setting, point of view, and theme from reading and writing about a variety of short stories by different authors.  The second semester we read and write about different plays, dramas, epics, and novels, including Romeo and Juliet.  Time is spent going over the different literary techniques found in them.

English 10

Grade Level:  10
Required:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  English 9

Study Literature by genre with units on the short story, poetry, drama, non-fiction, and the novel.

English 11

Grade Level:  11
Required:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  English 10

Study of American Literature and its development from early America to the present time.  Class play.  Voice of Democracy Speech Contest.

English 12

Grade Level:  12
Elective:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  English 11

Study of British Literature arranged chronologically and relating to historical periods.  Six major novels to be selected and literary analysis paper completed for each.  Study of World Masterpieces and their authors.


Grade Level:  11-12
Elective:  1/2 year - 1/2 credit
Prerequisites:  None

Speech emphasizes verbal and physichal exspression by learning presentation techniques and effective use of visual aids. Students engage in improvisational speeches, interveiws, and multimedia/technology aided speeches. Students learn fundamental speech techniques and devices also examining contemporary and classic speeches.

Creative Writing

Grade Level:  11-12
Elective:  1 semester - 1/2 credit
Prerequisites:  English 9-10

Various forms of writing will be explored.  Students will be required to do papers of different lengths and  of the various forms of writing.


Finn I

Grade Level:  9-12
Elective:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  None

Finn I introduces the student to the basics of the Finn language and the Finnish culture.

Finn II

Grade Level:  10-12
Elective:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  French I

Advance levels of the Finnish language are studied.

German I

Grade Level:  9-12
Elective:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  None

German I introduces the student to the basics of the German language and the German culture.

German II

Grade Level:  10-12
Elective:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  French I

Advance levels of the German language are studied.


Shop 7

Grade Level:  7
Required:  One semester
Prerequisites:  None

Beginning drafting, mostly using tools, sketching and dimensioning of basic views for the first three weeks.  The second part (approximately 10 weeks) basic wood working using small power tools and hand tools.  One required project.  Final part (approximately 5 weeks) technical education, air blade, airplane, wind power, vehicle, etc.

Shop 8

Grade Level:  8
Required:  One semester
Prerequisites:  None

More basic drafting from 7th grade.  More time spent on CAD system.  More complicated and precise (3 weeks).  Wood working (approximately 10 weeks) using all tools in the shop.  Make a required project.  Project should be a little more complicated.  The final 5 weeks, technology, wind power, bridge building, air power vehicle, etc.

Drafting and Cad

Grade Level: 9-12
Required: Full year - one credit
Prerequisites: none

Use mechanical drafting tools and a computer aided design program to generate working drawings, cumulating in designs sent to the wood shop to have a prototype built.

Shop I

Grade Level:  10-11
Elective:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  None

First semester is drafting, isometric, oblique, dimensioning, sketching, sections, layouts, architectural (approximately 15 weeks).  The rest of the year is spent woodworking, using skills developed in 7th and 8th grade.  Projects of their own design are made.  Much more complicated projects.

Advanced Shop 

Grade Level:  11-12
Elective:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  Shop I

Woodworking, create a usable piece of household furniture.  Using hardwoods, very good accuracy and preciseness.  Spring months - (3-5 weeks), construction techniques.  Build a small building.

Building Trades

Grade Level:  10-12
Elective:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  Drafting

Building Trades teaches fundamentals residential construction covering eastimating and building. Upon completion of the course students will understand basic construction concepts and techniques.

Metal Shop

Grade Level: 10-12
Elective: Full year - one credit
Prerequisites: Drafting/Cad

Six weeks of small engines (lawn mowers and chain saws) followed by welding.  In welding, wire feed, arc, and gas welds are learned cumulating in fabrication of projects.


Transition Math

Grade Level:  7
Required:  One year
Prerequisites:  None

Transition Math is a course designed for 7th grade students.  It is a transition from arithmetic to algebra.  The course covers fractions, order of operations, powers of 10, conversions, graphing lines, bar graphs, and algebra techniques.

Intermediate Algebra

Grade Level:  8
Elective:  One year
Prerequisites:  Transition Math

Intermediate Algebra is a course designed for the less academic 8th grade student.  It covers first year algebra in two years.  The course covers basic math skills, adding, subtraction, order of operations, fractions, graphing.  It covers solving equations of different forms.

General Math I

Grade Level:  9-12
Elective:  One year - one credit
Prerequisites:  8th grade math

General Math is a course for grades 9-12.  It covers math the students can apply to everyday life, such as, banking, income taxes, payroll, etc.  It also covers basic math skills such as, fractions, percents, and graphing.  General Math I also covers the metric system and conversions.  The student will also be exposed to algebra.


Grade Level:  8
Required:  Full year
Prerequisites:   None

This  course covers basic algebra concepts like adding, subtracting, and multiplying monomials; equation solving, linear equations.  Also covered are:  counting processes, venn diagrams and probability.  Scientific calculators are a necessity.

Advanced Algebra

Grade Level:  10-12
Elective:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  Algebra

This course expands upon the concepts covered in Algebra.  Linear and Parabolic relationships are explored and modeled.  Variation, arithmetic and geometric sequences, complex numbers and a matrix approach to studying transformations are covered.  The student is also presented with situations involving functional analysis, trigonometry and quadratic relationships.  Scientific calculators are needed.

Grade Level:   9-12
Elective:  One year - one credit
Prerequisites:  Algebra

This course covers concepts in plane geometry dealing with polygons and circles and concepts in solid geometry such as volume and surface area.  Time is also spent on formal proofs and constructions using compasses and protractors.  This course offers the student their first exposure to transformations like reflections, rotations, translations, and size changes.  Knowledge of basic algebra is needed.

Fst, Statistics, and Trigonometry (FST)unction

Grade Level:  11-12
Elective:  One year - one credit
Prerequisites:  Advanced Algebra

This course gives a more in depth analysis of several types of functions studied earlier.  Also covered are concepts in statistical analysis, probability, permutations, combinations, series and polynomial functions.  Scientific calculators are needed.

Pre Calculus and Discrete Mathematics (PDM)

Grade Level:  12
Elective:  One year - one credit
Prerequisites:  Functions, Statistics, and Trigonometry

This course completes the mathematics program that began back in 7th grade and many previous topics are revisited.  New material included in this course include logic, factoring of polynomials, solving inequalities, modular arithmetics and derivatives.  Students are expected to use graphing calculators and/or computers to help them solve many problems.

Business Math

Grade Level: 9-12
Elective: One year - one credit
Prerequisites: none

This class involves working with personal finances (income, expenditures, checking accounts, credit card, insurance, loans, etc.).  A review of many convents in arithmetic and basic algebra skill will be covered.


Junior Band

Grade Level:  6-7
Elective:  Full year
Prerequisites:  None

Study of various musical styles, elements of music, articulation and further development of embouchure.  Emphasis on tone quality, dynamics, expression, and rhythm.  Seventh grade has option to participate in Solo & Ensemble.

Senior Band

Grade Level:  8-12
Elective:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  None

Study of various composer and musical styles with three performances per school year.  Participation for 8th grade in Solo & Ensemble is mandatory, 9-12 grade voluntary.  Band also participates in the District Band Festival.  In addition, the Pep Band plays at all home games.  Marching Band participation includes all students from the previous school year, accept graduated seniors.

Music 101

Grade Level:  9-12
Elective:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  None

This class has 6 components to comply with Michigan Curriculum Standards: Perform, Reflect and Create. This class begins with Basic Piano, Music Therory, Basic Guitar. It incorporates Music Technology, Recording, Performing, Songwriting, Study of Voice and Music History.


8th Grade Physical Education

Grade Level:  7
Elective:  Full year
Prerequisites:  None

Learn techniques, skills, rules of volleyball, baseball, football, badminton, soccer, weight lifting, basketball.  Two days a week are exercise days.  Other learned skills are running, jumping, tumbling, stretching, sportsmanship.

7th grade Physical Education

Grade Level:  8
Elective:  Full year
Prerequisites:  None

Work on skills learned in 7th grade gym.  Become better at each.  Same games, same exercise routines are followed.  Sportsmanship and health related information taught.  Presidents Physical Fitness Section.

9th grade Physical Education

Grade Level:  9
Required  One semester - one half credit
Prerequisites:  None

Physical Education 9 is offered the second semester of the 9th grade year after students have taken a semester of health.


Focus on Earth Science

Grade Level:  7
Required:  Full year
Prerequisites:  None

Focus on Earth Science is a study of the Earth - its matter, features, processes, and place in the universe.  The course emphasizes the constant changes of the Earth.  These changes affect the crustal material, land forms, rock structures, and life itself on Earth.

Physical Science

Grade Level:  8
Required:  Full year
Prerequisites:  None

Physical Science is the study of matter and energy.  The approach of this course is to emphasize everyday applications of physical laws and how they relate to technological advances.  Scientific knowledge to improve the quality of human life by understanding the properties and composition of matter is the main theme.


Earth Science

Grade Level:  9-12
Required:  Full Year - one credit
Prerequisites:  None

Earth science is a course designed to teach students about interelations between earth and people. The class is project and computer intensive.


Grade Level:  9
Required:  One semester - one half credit
Prerequisites:  None

Health:  A wellness approach which helps students examine their lifestyles, select goals, and make plans to achieve and maintain optimum health.  This involves choosing behaviors that help prevent illness and accidents, promote health for oneself and others, or improve the quality of the environment.  Emphasis on life management skills that will last a lifetime.


Grade Level:  9-12
Required:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  None

The study of living organisms:  the world of life, cells:  the basic unit of life,  continuity of life, diversity of life, the monerans, protists and fungi, plants, invertebrate animals and vertebrate animals.


Grade Level:  10-12
Elective:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  Algebra, Biology

Chemistry is a science course taken by 10-12th grade students.  Chemistry is the study of matter and its properties.  It also covers measurements, significant digits, classification of matter, atomic theory, nomenclature, chemical equations, and equilibrium, acids and bases.  Labs are an important aspect of this course.


Grade Level:  11-12
Elective:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  Algebra, Physical Science

Physics is a course for juniors and seniors.  It is an upper level science course that covers (mechanics), and motion (how things move).

Anatomy and Physiology I & II

Grade Level:  10-12
Elective:  Full year each - one credit each
Prerequisites:  Grade of B or better in Biology or by permission of instructor

The study of human structure and function using a systems approach.

Advanced Placement Biology

Grade Level:  10-12
Elective:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  Grade of B or better in Biology
   Anatomy & Physiology strongly recommended

Freshmen college level biology course - laboratory intensive.  Possibility of taking college CLEP test.

Advanced Placement Chemistry

Grade Level:  11-12
Elective:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  Grade of B or better in Chemistry, Algebra

College level Chemistry course to prepare for a CLEP test.  Laboratory section is included.



Grade Level:  7
Required:  Full year
Prerequisites:  None

Geography is the study of the natural forces in the world and how they and humankind interact.  How we affect our environment and how environment affects us is the main area of study.

Constitutional Foundations

Grade Level:  8
Required:  One Semester
Prerequisites:  none

The purpose of this course is to develop for students a firm constitutional foundation rooted in the Bill of Rights and the four basic constitutional ideas of authority, privacy, responsibility, and justice.  A semester paper will be required at the end of the semester.  Students are encouraged to read additional material outside of class for which they can receive credit.  A comprehensive final is given at the semester's end.

Current Events

Grade Level:  9-12
Elective:  Full Year
Prerequisites:  none

The purpoe of this course is to expose the students to weekly news magazines and current topics and trends in history, politics, culture, and geography.  Students will be required to make classroom presentations throughout the year and write a semester paper on a current topic at the end of each semester.  Student teams will be responsible for the presentations, semester paper, and current events bulletin boards.


Grade Level:  10-12
Elective:  One Semester - one half credit
Prerequisites:  None

Psychology is the scientific study of human and animal behavior.  Students learn more about who they are and why they behave the way they do through lectures, discussion, experiments, and personality tests.


Grade Level:  10-12
Elective  One semester - one half credit
Prerequisites:  None

This course will follow a topical discussion of Sociology as applied to American society.

U.S. History

Grade Level:  11
Required:  Full year - one credit
Prerequisites:  None

This course will follow a chronological survey of U.S. History.


Grade Level:  12
Required:  One semester - one half credit
Prerequisites:  None

A topical approach to U.S. Government.


Grade Level:  12
Required:  One semester - one half credit
Prerequisites:  None

A topical approach to Economics.

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