Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools

  2007-2008 School Board 

Back Row: Rick Nye, Larry Fallon, Dallas Bond
Front Row: Julie Dunstan,  Donna Engman, Hugh Hosafros
Missing from picture:  Steven LeClaire

Scheduled Meetings for 2007-2008
(Usually the last Monday of the month excluding holidays)

October 22nd @ 6:00p.m.
November 26th @ 6:00p.m.
December 17th @ 6:00p.m.
January 28th @ 6:00p.m.
February 25th @ 6:00p.m.
March 24th @ 6:00p.m.
April 28th @ 6:00p.m.
May 26th @ 6:00p.m.
June 26th @ 6:00p.m.
School Board Officers

Richard Nye- President

Dallas Bond- Vice President
Julie Dunstan- Secretary
Donna Engman- Treasurer
Hugh Hosafros- Trustee
Larry Fallon- Trustee
Steven Leclaire- Trustee

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