~~*Dollar Bay-Tamarack City Area Schools*~~


 ~Fall of 2006-2007~ 


Mrs. Moilanen

Mrs. Moilanen is the Junior class advisor and the coach of the Varsity girls backetball team.  She is currently teaching Science 7, Science 8, Biology 10, Anatomy, and Science Applications. Her interests are reading, eating, and hanging out with her husband and her dog Major.


Group Picture

Back Row: Jay, Jared, David, Vanessa, Tony, and Jim
Middle Row: Jordan, Trisha, Angela, Ashleigh, and Heather
Front Row: Dawn, Chelsea, Michael, Josh, Samantha, Amanda, and Brittany
Misssing: Alexandra


Action Shots

Brittany, Amanda, and Sam smile for the camera.
Pizzi, in a rough class.

Ashleigh searching for her work.
Josh working hard to complete that rough math assignment.

Chelsea streches after a hard day of homework.
Trisha reading about the interseting things in her text book.

Jim and Jay working to get there assignment done.
Alexandra gives a nice smile for the camera.

Chelsea did you find what you were looking for?
Josh talking with his friends about his homework

Vanessa, what's so funny over there?
Heather enjoying her peanutbutter cup

What's so funny Sam?
 Dawn listens to Mr. Zimmer as he explains the homework.

You guys think it's just so funny, don't ya?
Angela looking a little sleeping.

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Winter Pictures


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