*Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools*

*Tenth  Grade 2006-2007*

Mr. Zimmer is the 10th grade adivsor. He is working hard to help raise funds for the class of 2009. He is a great advisor.

The Sophomore Group!

 Josh, Dustin,Karl
Claire, Hilary, Lynette, & Amanda
Nikki, Brittney, Christina, & Brittany
Dane, Glen, Jeff, and Christeen
Ben, Davey, & Brad

Sophomores in Action!

Amanda working in the library!
 Is Christina roaming the halls?

Hilary & Brittany smiling for the camera.
Claire working hard as an aid.

Josh, Brittney,& Christina taken a break in German.
Christeen in Publications.

Hilary,Lynette,Claire,and Brittney give us their best smiles!!
Glen studying hard.

Some of the 10th graders meet in the hallway.
Nikki  smiles at the camera during class.

At least Karl looks at the camera.
Are you paying attention Ben?

Josh are you falling asleep?
Brittney actually lets us take her picture.

Have you ever seen a happier student?
David wants out!

10th Grade Winter

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