DollarBay - Tamarack City Area Schools

 Grade Seven

 ~*Winter 2006 - 2007*~

Action Shots

Greg enjoys a wonderful Dollar Bay lunch.
Kyle second guesses his choice of lunch.

Steve and Jake... Brotherly love.
Adeline, Julia, and Chase in Algebra class.

Julia snatches the ball.
The boys practice their push ups for gym class.

David  playing some fun badmitten.
Devin waites to be picked for the game.

Devin and Travis chat while playin some ball.
Greg takes a break from his badmitten game.

The 7th grade boys working their muscles.
Katie runs to take a steal for the ball!

Julia stops, dead in her tracks, to tie her shoe.
Katie concentrates to make her shot.

Mr. Juopperi guides the students though the game.
The players wait anxiously for the ball.

Max makes a steal to win the game!.
Mindy and Ashley smile after winnning the spelling bee.

Travis enjoying his freeday in gym.
Vance, stunned as his team mate makes the shot.

Charlie takes a break from the rough ball game.
Mindy deciding who she should throw the ball. to

Jake watches as his team runs to the basket.
Katie's stunned to see the shot go in the basket.
Soon to come: Spring Pictures...