Dollar Bay-Tamarack City Area Schools

Sixth Grade 2006-2007


    This is Ms. Kangas. She is the sixth grade teacher, and this is her fifth year teaching at Dollar Bay.

Group Picture

       Back Row:    Samantha, Britney, Morgan, Whitney, Kellee, Tommy& Budd
 Middle Row:    Connie, Emily, Waylon, Jacob, Bret, Thomas & Erica 
 1st Row:
    BriAnn, Monica, Jaelyn, Brandon, Braun, Channing, Devon & Lena  

Action Shots

Braun Eager for learning.
Tommy and Whitney.

Bud seems to be having fun.
Busy with class work.

Trey and Emily working together.
Devon yawning.

Ready for lunch.
Smile Waylon.

Jaelyn, Erica & Samantha acting silly before lunch.
Jake points at the camera.

Monica seems happy.
Don't be shy.

Friends in line.
Tommy's lucky coin.

Say cheese!
Lunch time!

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