Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools

Fourth Grade 2006-2007

Mrs. Boutin 

     This is the fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Boutin. She said the best thing about being a teacher is when a stundent finally understands something, (when the light bulb turns on!) She went to Sumi College, MTU, NMU, and the University of Wisconsin, Whitewater College.  Her interests are, rock collecting and reading. Mrs. Boutin was married in 1969.
She has a husband, two grown children, and her dog, Holly. This is her last year teaching at Dollar Bay.  

Group Picture

Back:Taylor, Alyssa, Brooke, Morgan, Michael, Stanley,Tanner
Middle:Alexandra,Ciara, Mandy, Abigail, Justin, Steven, Larry
Front:Jessica, Lily, Nate, Vianna, Christine

Action Shots

Christine,  oh so sweet!

Ciara, done with her work!

Mandy smiling pretty for the camera!

Alexandra and Jamie working hard!

Abby looks very interested.

Lily loves working for good grades!

Doesn't Larry look so cute?!!

Nate wondering who is smarter a cat or dog?

Morgan making snowflakes!!

Michael is camera shy.

Brooke doesn't look to happy.

Taylor reading a book!

Vianna loves school!

Steven on task.

Justin with Mrs. McKaig

Justin playing the flute!

Larry, Alyssa, and Taylor

The 4th grade band!!!

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