Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools

Third Grade 2006-2007

   Mrs. Joanne Greub is the third grade teacher.  After graduating from Dollar Bay, she continued her education at Northern Michigan University.  She began her career at Dollar Bay in 1976. She has served as a secretary, 1st grade teacher, & 3rd grade teacher. The 2006-07 school year will be her last, as she will be retiring.

Group Picture

Back Row: Chet, Will, Toby, Brad, Ryan, Leah, Alexis. Carli, Nicholas, Levi
Middle Row: Victoria, Ciara, Jessica, Katie, Elisha, Domnick, Nicholas, Rhett, Corey
Front Row: Kyle, Brianna, Samantha, Katrina, Shirley, Zach, Kevin
Missing from photo: Ricky

Action Shots

Shirley, are you daydreaming in class?
Will wants his picture taken!

Levi is hard at work.
Victoria is all smiles!

Elisha takes time to smile for the camera.
Who's that hiding? Maybe it's Corey....

Someone is working hard!
Mrs. Greub is always willing to help her students.

Having fun in class!
I didn't do it, really!

The girls take a break to smile!
Katrina is done with her homework!

Art projects are the best!
Another shy boy.

Jessica concentrates on her homework.
Nicholas hard at work, as always.

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