Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools

Second Grade 2006-2007

Second Grade Teacher
  Our second grade teacher at Dollar Bay School is Mrs. Liz Leach. Last year she only taught mornings but now is teaching full time. She enjoys teaching and being with her lovely second grade class!

~ Group Picture ~

  Row 4 : Ethan,Quinn,Madison,Camie
  Row 3 :  Kendra, Aaron, Kanyon, Owen,Sophia
  Row 2 : Donnie, Morgan, Megan, Brenden, Tylor, Able, William
Row 1 :  Clayton, Anne, Brandon, Catherine, Gina, Lucia, Kindsey, Daniel

~ Action Shots ~

Able and Kensey doing their class work.
Anne busy concentrating durning class.

Brendan smile for the camara.
Camie and Aaron stop to take a break.

Catherine looks back to smile.
Clayton getting ready to ask a question.

Donnie happy to attend Dollar Bay School.
Gina having fun in class .

Kendra gives the us a big smile!
Libbi gives the camara a warm smile!

Luica finishing her work.
Megan happy to be in class.

Smile Morgan!
Sopia takes a break to smile!

Taylor turns around to give us a smile!
Willaim listening to the teacher.

Winter Pictures

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