Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools
First Grade Winter 2006-2007

~ Alyson and Andrea working together!~
~Bailey gives us a tired smile!~

~ Bobbi Jo happy to be learning!~
~Cory unsure if he wants to smile.~

~ Heidi turns around to give us a smile!~
~Joe turns to give us a smile!~

~Kaylee taking a little break from all her hard work!~
~Lea busy working hard in 1st grade!~

~ Gabin busy working.~
~Paige is really into her assignment!~

~Sadie busy writting her story!~
~Sean is hard at work once again!~

~ Amber, Bailey & Paige are friends forever!~
~ Andrea counts numbers around the room.~

~ Andrew, Jacob & Jake playing during their inside recess!~
~ Baliey, Hailey, Amber & Paige smile!~

~ Trevor & Jacob working together!~
~ Joe, Kaylee & Hedi are busy playing a game!~

~ Lea reads in front of the class.~
~ Sadie is busy working in her workbook!~

~ Trevor making a masterpeice!~
~ Sean is busy playing Lego's.~