Dollar Bay - Tamarack City Area Schools

::.Kindergarten (Mrs. Hytinen).::

..:Fall 2006-2007:..

    Ms. Hytinen is one of our Kindergarten teachers at Dollar Bay.  She is from Ishpeming, Michigan and studied at Northern Michigan University.  She likes to teach here because it is a small school.  She is in her fourth year at Dollar Bay.

Mrs. Tammy Budweg

Teacher's Aide

Scott and Daniel waiting for recess.
Danial says, "CHEESE."

Lars and Tanner.
Olivia is Child Of the Day!

Jason is Jammin' out.
Amanda plays peek-a-boo.

Three in a row... tic tac toe.
Deja and Delaney.

"Look what I made!!!"
Scott gives a grin.

Amanda does her worksheet.
The boys.

How tall is Deja?
The biggest grin I have!

Working hard.
Elizabeth sits in line!

Winter Pictures

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