Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools

Spirit Week Winter


Crazy Day

Shannon and Isaac rock it Inside Out
Jeremy and Katie share a hug and some clothes

The Seniors were obviously in a hurry this morning
Mr. Zimmer showing his school spirit

Twin Day

The Junior Twins vamp it up.
Kelly and Emily show their style

The Seniors are seeing double
Hocky and Cowgirls go together like...?

Glam Day

Will the real John Wayne please stand up?
Shaneva and Danny are ready for their close ups.

Coalton and his lovely ladies
Hollywood or Dollar Bay,
Shannon and Frank are right at home

Red, White and Blue Day

Ashley and Jim show their Bays Spirit
Don't Danny and Emily look good in blue?

The Juniors are working on their posters
Katie and Mike take School Spirit
 to a whole new level

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