Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools
2005-2006 Senior Athletes

Back (L to R) : Shea, Chelsea, Caitlin, Jeremy, Kristen,
Mikey, Pamela, Krystle, LaCresha
Front (L to R) : Breanne and Sam


Name : Chelsea Laurn
Freshman Sports : Basketball and Golf
Sophomore Sports : Basketball, Cheerleading, Golf, and Track
Junior Sports : Basketball, Bowling, and Cheerleading
Senior Sports : Basketball
Honors : Basketball Teammate Aware Sophomore & Junior Years
Favorite Athletic Moment : Cheering for the 2004-2005 Boys' Varsity Basketball season (Districts!) and staying in Escanaba for U.P.s for golf in 2004!

Name : Pamela Busser
Freshman Sports : Basketball, Bowling, and Cheerleading
Sophomore Sports : Basketball, Bowling, Cheerleading, Golf, and Track
Junior Sports : Basketball, Bowling, Cheerleading, and Golf
Senior Sports : Basketball, Bowling, Cheerleading, Golf, and Track
Honors : None
Favorite Athletic Moment : When we hadn't won a basketball game in like two years and we finally beat Baraga.  Also, both golf U.P.s, staying overnight in Escanaba.  Oh, and all bus rides and locker rooms times before basketball games.

Name : Kristen Fallon
Freshman Sports : Basketball and Track
Sophomore Sports : Basketball and Track
Junior Sports : Basketball and Track
Senior Sports : Basketball
Honors : Defensive Team All Conference and Honorable Mention All Conference
Favorite Athletic Moment : When I made it from half court in Bessemer our Junior year and dancing in the locker room during basketball seasons.

Name : Sam French
Freshman Sports : Cheerleading
Sophomore Sports : Cheerleading
Junior Sports : Cheerleading
Senior Sports : Cheerleading
Honors : None
Favorite Athletic Moment : Cheering for the boys' basketball Districts during the 2003 season.

Name : Jeremy Huuki
Freshman Sports : Baseball, Basketball, Football, and Track
Sophomore Sports : Baseball, Basketball, Football, and Track
Junior Sports : Basketball
Senior Sports : Basketball
Honors : 1st team All-Conference in 2005 for basketball, 1st team All-Conference in 2006 for basketball
Favorite Athletic Moment : Winning the District Championship in 2005.

Name : Shea Laitila
Freshman Sports : Basketball and Track
Sophomore Sports : Basketball, Bowling, and Track
Junior Sports : Basketball, Bowling, Golf, and Track
Senior Sports : Basketball, Bowling, Cheerleading, Golf, and Track
Honors : None
Favorite Athletic Moment : When we beat Baraga with Katie Stevens, both away and home, also the bus trips during basketball season!

Name : Mike Leino
Freshman Sports : Basketball and Golf
Sophomore Sports : Basketball
Junior Sports : Basketball
Senior Sports : Basketball
Honors : Honorable Mention for basketball
Favorite Athletic Moment : Winning 2 District Championships.

Name : Caitlin Norlin
Freshman Sports : Cheerleading and Track
Sophomore Sports : Basketball, Cheerleading, and Track
Junior Sports : Basketball, Cheerleading, and Track
Senior Sports : Basketball, Cheerleading, and Track
Honors : None
Favorite Athletic Moment : Cheerleading for the boys' basketball Districts for the 2004-2005 season.

Name : Krystle Rivest
Freshman Sports : Basketball, Cheerleading, and Track
Sophomore Sports : Basketball and Track
Junior Sports : Basketball and Track
Senior Sports : Basketball and Track
Honors : None
Favorite Athletic Moment : Dancing in the lockerroom before every basketball game was definitely the best.

Name : LaCresha Schmitz
Freshman Sports : Basketball, Bowling, Cheerleading, and Track
Sophomore Sports : Basketball, Bowling, Cheerleading, and Track
Junior Sports : Basketball, Bowling, and Cheerleading
Senior Sports : Bowling and Cheerleading
Honors : 1st overall in our District and 2nd in the U.P. for bowling championships
Favorite Athletic Moment : Bowling bus rides in 2003 and cheering for the 2005 basketball team.

Name : Breanne Townsend
Freshman Sports : None
Sophomore Sports : None
Junior Sports : Cheerleading
Senior Sports : Cheerleading
Honors : None
Favorite Athletic Moment : Cheering for the first time in Wakefield, the first away game, with Sam French, Amber Isaacson, and Ashley Knuuttila.

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