Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools
Varsity Boys Basketball

Coach Bronzyk

Watersmeet Game

National Anthem.
Starting Lineup

Let's Go!!
Coaching Staff.

The crowd is ready.
There's the tip.

Zach brings the ball up the court.
Zach looking to pass.

Jayson searches for a hole in the defense.
Jay passes across court.
Mike in the middle.
Jim in control.

Mike for 2.
David takes it to the hole.

Zach driving.
Mike again for 2.

Time out.
Jason resting.

David concentrating.
Jim holding his man in check.

Jay for an assist.
Mike above the rim.

Zach on defense.

Jason looking for a pass.
Zach in control.

Pizzi gets a drink.
Mike shoots a free throw.

Jim makes a 3 pointer..
Zach looks for a pass.
Zach to Jay.
David with considers his options.
David swings the ball.
Mike dominates.

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