Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools

Jr High  Basketball 2006-2007

Coach Mark Halkola  has been coaching for many years now.  He has been working with the team to inprove their style of play.  He is very anxious for the up coming seasen.

Back: Jordan, Derik , Dallas and Adam
Front: Jake , Tim and Max

Max warms up.
Devin concentrates.

Game time.
Last minute insturctions.

Dallas wishes the other coach good luck.
Tip off time.

Tm brings the ball up court.
Adam directs the offense.

Fast break.
Dallas gets off a shot.

Jordan on the inbounds pass.
Tough defense.
Tim for three.
Boxing out.

Corey with a blocked shot.
Dallas with an inside out pass.
Adam penetrates and shoots.
Max and Jordan waiting to enter the game.
Jake searching out the best option.

Jordan breaking the press.
Getting a break.

Corey and Max waiting.
Derik or Dallas aim to get this rebound.

Time out.
Go Bays!

Devin calls for the ball . . .
. . shoots the ball . . .

. . . and takes a free throw.
Tim with a free throw.

Adam drives hard to the basket.
Adam and Max protect the backcourt.

Tim with good form.
Tim brings down a rebound.

Going up strong.
Fresh troops.

The fans enjoy the game.
Max pulls up for a jump shot.

Adam concentrating hard.
Max brings the ball up court.

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