Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools

Science Olympiad 2005-2006

Back:  Victor, Mrs. Kim Rogan, Garrette
Front: Katie, Nathan

The Michigan Region I

Science Olympiad was held Saturday February , 2006
The Dollar Bay Science Olympiad Team Consisted of the following members:
Nathan Smith, Katie Smith, Ashleigh Zerbst, and Victor Jarvis.
They all did very well.

Below is a graph of how the Dollar Bay team did at the 2006 Science Olympiad.


Student that were involved
Physics Lab
 Nathan Smith and Victor Jarvis
Chemistry Lab
Nathan Smith and Katie Smith
Compute This
Katie Smith and Jim Makinen
Practical Data Gathering
Nathan Smith and Ashleigh Zerbst
Write it- Do it
10th Victor Jarvis and Ashleigh Zerbst

Here is a discription of  the events that the team competed in.

Practical Data Gathering: Students were required to gather and process data to solve a given problem.
Physics Lab: Students competed in lab activities in the areas of circuits/electricity.
Chemistry Lab: Students were required to do an experiment to calculate specific heat of two liquids, collected data and answered  questions.
Compute This:
Students were required to use P.C.'s to surf the web and anwser questions on ocean weather using noaa website.  They used information to collect data and present in graphical form.
Write it- Do it:
A team of two was required to discribe in written form how to build an object out of plastic shapes. The other team member was then required to build  the object from the written instuctions.

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