~*DollarBay - Tamarack City Area Schools*~

(Students Against Drunk Driving)

Mrs. McKaig
She has been the Sadd advisor for ___ years. She enjoys her jobs and hopes to continually keep making a difference.

    The School SADD group is here to help people understand how dangerous it is to drink and drive. Lots of highschool students are being pressured by their friends to drink, which usually leads to drinking and driving. Younger kids don't understand how dangerous and risky it is to drink and drive. When people drink it slows down their nervous system. This causes a decrease in motor functions, reaction time and their intelligence performance. When people drink too much alcohol they can cause their body to go into a coma or even die from it. That's why it's important not to drink and not to drive if you have been drinking.

People usually underestimate how much they drink

One drink = one 12 oz. beer
One drink = one 1.5 oz. shot
One drink = one 5 oz. glass

Knowing your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) is important to understanding how your body works and the danger zones of alcochol poisoning. Driving when you have had any alcohol is really dangerous.  Those who drink and drive not only risk endangering themselves.  They also endanger innocent bystanders who are also on the roadways.

Group Picture:

Click on one of the links if your interested in learning more

Mother against drunk driving
Blood Alcohol Calculator
Alcohol Alert