Dollar Bay-Tararack City
Prom 2005-2006
"Paris: We Belong Together"

Seniors at Prom
Back Row: Jeremy, Wes, Michael, Dylan
Front Row: LaCresha, Pam, Shea, Krystle, Chelsea, Caitlin

Brittney and Jeremy during the Grand March
Caitlin and her date Michael

Chelsea and Caitlin pose for the camera
Brittany and Brad looking good at prom

The Juniors enjoying prom
Kailee, Chelsea, and Kaite smile big

The guys pose for a quick picture
Jessica and Wes are happy to be in the Grand March

Kaite and Kailee are happy to be at prom
Ow ow! Sasha and Michael at the Grand March

Pam and Krystle at prom
Shannon and Shea blow kisses to the camera

Shannon and Zach smile for a picture
The sophomores at prom