Dollar Bay / Tamarack City Area Schools

2006 - 2007 Season

Coach Kim Rogan

      The High School Bowl team practices during the lunch hour, (12:03-12:33). During this time they ask trivia questions from various sources. They continue to practice when the High School Bowl season is over. The team consists of 4 people with 2 alternates.

Back Row: Ben Hying, Jeff Dunstan and Coach Kim Rogan
Front Row: Dane Mattila, Katie Smith, Victor Jarvis, and Kailee Laplander

This Year's Competition:
This year's High School Bowl Team consisted of Dane Mattila, Katie Smith, Victor Jarvis and Kailee Laplander. The alternates were Jeff Dunstan and Ben Hying. The team traveled to Marquette in early December 2006 to play Cedarville. Sadly, the competition ended that day with a loss.  The game aired on  February 3, 2007 on PBS 13.

Dawn and Katie show their Dollar Bay pride!
Dawn, Katie, and Kailee after the game!

What is High School Bowl?
     High School Bowl is a competition in which two teams face each other in a game of educated questions. During the game they have 2 halves. They have 10 pt toss-up questions and a bonus worth from 5 to 30 points if they get it correct. The team with the most points wins.

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