Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools

Junior High Band (2006-2007)

Back: Blake, Billy, Mrs. McKaig, Jaelyn, Kellee
Middle: Tommy, Brett, Adeline, Lucia, Devon
Front: Emily, Erica, Samantha, Katie

Junior High Band

Leader of the band, Mrs. McKaig.
Blow that trumpet Devon.
Blake has many instruments.
Em & Ericia, Harmony & Melody. Percussion at the Halloween concert.
Katie makes a sweet sound.
Play a wrong note Kellee?
Can you keep up with Mrs. McKaig?
Billy and Blake provide the beat.
Brett and Adeline jazz it up.
Question!  What time are we in again.
Jaelyn has no problem being heard.

Mrs. McKaig helping out.
Tommy says. "Come again." .