Dollar Bay- Tamarack City Area Schools

Elementary Teachers 2006 - 2007

Jamie Hytinen

     Ms. Hytinen is one of our kindergarten teachers at Dollar Bay.  She is from Ishpeming Michigan and gradutated from Nothern Michigan University in 2003, which is also the year sh began teaching in Dollar Bay. She loves teaching kindergarten because she never knows what they're going to say and they always hug her.  She feels that kindergaten is where the kids start actually learning something and she likes to watch the progress they make.     

Marissa Kentala

     This is Mrs. Kentala's first year of teaching at Dollar Bay along with coaching Dollar Bay High School Cheerleading.  She is teaching kindergarten. She graduated from Finlandia University in 2004.


Kristy Heinonen

  Mrs. Kristy Heinonen graduated from Northern Michigan University. She teaches the first grade at Dollar Bay.  She has been at Dollar Bay since 2000.  Mrs. Heinonen's goals for the first graders are to help them learn to read and write before the school year ends.  Their "lightbulb" usually turns on at about Christmas time.  They realize how write each letter and what letters make what sounds.  She likes to spend time with her daughters, Delaney, Sophie, and Ellie..

Liz Leach

    Mrs. Leach is the sencond grade teacher.  She went to Northern Michigan University for an Elementary Education Degree. She is pursuing a reading specialist masters. She likes to teach at Dollar Bay because it is small and she enjoys knowing all the kids. After school she loves making music and in her free time during the summer she loves to go camping.

  Joanne Grueb

      Mrs. Joanne Grueb received her degree majoring in Elementary Education, and minoring in English and Social Studies at Northern Michigan University.  She has been at Dollar Bay since 1988 and currently teaches 3rd grade.  In school, she enjoys working with the students and out of school she enjoys reading, gardening, baking, and spending time with her family.  This is her last year teaching at Dollar Bay.  We will miss her a lot.


Myrna Boutin

      Mrs. Boutin received her major in Elementary Education at Suomi (2 years), University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (2 years), Northern Michigan University (1 year) and Michigan Tech (1 year).  She has been here at Dollar Bay since 1978 and teaches the 4th grade, along with 5 & 6th grade math. This is her last year of teaching and she says, "I love the kids and the staff.- We are like family."  We will miss you a lot Mrs. Boutin!!


Kristen Kariainen

      Mrs. Kristen Kariainen graduated from Eastern Michigan University.  She has been at Dollar Bay since 1994.  She currently is the Title I director, the elementary special ed teacher and the elementary cordinater.  She enjoys knowing all the students at Dollar Bay and watching them mature as they go on to other grades.  Outside of school she enjoys reading, cooking and being with her family.  .


Kevin Butler

     Mr. Butler attended Michigan State University for five years, and also went to University Feiburg in Germany for one year. He teaches the fifth grade and has been at Dollar Bay since 1999.  Mr. Bulter is very active. In his free time he likes to go canoeing, hunting, fishing, camping, and he likes to building things. His favorite thing to do is to be with his wife and play with his children.  His favorite quote is " The person who thinks he can and the one who thinks he can't are both right."


Amy Kangas

      Miss Amy Kangas graduated from Grand Valley State University.  She has been at Dollar Bay since 2002.  She is teaching the 6th grade class.  She enjoys the small class sizes and the personal setting at Dollar Bay.  Outside of school she enjoys skiing, snow boarding, skating and reading.

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