Dollar Bay - Tamarack City Area Schools


Electronic Use Policy
Technology Plan

Computer Technology

Dollar Bay offers a number of courses in the area of computer technology: Keyboarding, Computer Applications I & II, and Programming I & II.  Dollar Bay also integrates the use of technology in the traditional class curriculum in various ways.  Currently there is a computer lab with 18 computers and a CAD lab with 8 computers.  Each elementary classroom has 2 computers and each Jr. High and High School classroom has 1 computer.  Recently a portable lab of 30 lap top computers was purchased.  These lap tops can be taken to any location and connected to the network using wireless technology.  By the end of spring 2002 an additional 30 desktop computers will be purchased increasing the number of computers in each Elementary classroom to 5-6.  The computer to student  ratio for the district at that time will be 1 computer for every 2 students.  A number of other devices are available to staff and students including scanners, laser/color printers, digital cameras, and video equipment.

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