Dollar Bay / Tamarack City Area Schools

       2006 - 2007 School Board      

Larry Fallon, Rick Nye, Donna Engman, Hugh Hosafros, Julie Dunstan, Bob Hiltunen, Dallas Bond


President - Bob Hiltunen
Vice President -  Rick Nye
Secretary - Julie Dunstan
Treasurer - Donna Engman

Trustee - Dallas Bond
Trustee - Hugh Hosafros
Trustee - Larry Fallon

    The school board typically meets on the last Monday of each month at 6:00pm except during holidays. In case of holidays they typically meet on the earliest previous Monday.

Scheduled Meetings 2006-2007

July 31
August 28
September 25
October 30
November 27
December 18
January 29
February 26
March 26
April 30
May 21
June 25

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