Dollar Bay-Tamarack City Area Schools

Juniors 2005-2006

Mr. Patchin is the advisor for the 11th grade working class.  This is his third year teaching at Dollar Bay High School. He is a History teacher. He is looking forward to next year when we go to California.


Class of 2007 Group Photo

Back Row: Zach, Cody, Vance, Frank

Middle Row: Ryan, Isaac, Victor, Steve, Jayson

Front Row: Katie, Shannon, Ashley, Savannah, Sasha, Kailee



Action Shots

Isaac pigging out in Accounting again!
Ryan modeling something in Metal Shop.

Sasha, Katie and Shannon doing homework in Algebra 2.
Kailee working hard in creative writing.

Accounting students working on a test.
Savannah taking a break to smile for the camera.

Shannon is trying not to look up at the camera.
Katie does not want her picture taken!


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