Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools

Ninth Grade 2005-2006

Mr.Zimmer is the 9th grade advisor. Mr. Zimmer is an excellent and interesting teacher. He teaches  Science Application, Physical Science,  8th Grade Math, and Advanced Math.

Group Picture

Top Row: Dustin, Brad, Glen, Amanda, Christina, Kali , Evan
Middle Row: Karl, Lynette, Amanda, Claire, Josh
Bottom Row: David, Ben, Brittney, Jeff

Action Shots

Zach, Ben, Brad, and Josh , chillin in German.
Claire and Lynette give us their warmest smiles!

Ben trying to understand German.
Glen, are you actually working?

Karl working hard.
Brittney and Amanda.

Math class.
Zach in German!

Christina and Kali.
Jeff working hard in Geometry.

Dustin designing some kind of object.
Playing it cool.

David, you look guilty...
Work hard hard!

Jeff, smiling big!
Karl is thinking "BIG"!

Claire and Amanda give a quick glimpse.
You would make a good cheerleader, David!!

Brad...doin' the dew! Amanda and Evan...aren't you suppost to be in class?

Brittney and Jeremy look like they are hard at work.
They look like twins!

Evan posing...once again!!
Good work girls!

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