Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools

8th Grade 2005-2006


The 8th grade advisor is Jesse Kentala. He just started teaching here at Dollar Bay. He teaches English 8 and 10, Speech and Technical Writing, and 8th grade History. He graduated here at Dollar Bay in 2000 and went to MTU. While at Tech he studied Scientific Technical Communications and English education. He graduated with a major in English education and a major in social science. Now he is going to Northen Michigan University to become a guidence counselor.

Group Picture

Back: Nick, Bridget, Jocelyn, Taylor, Jeremy, Amanda, Brittany, Olivia
Middle Back: Jay, Ashley, Hailey, Katie, Shaneva, Robbie, Bridget, Holly, Kelly, Emily, Heather
Middle Front: Angel, Jake, Courtney, Nicole, Jesse, Ricky, Zach, Danny

Front: Riley, Kelsey, Phil, Kyle, Benj, Rio

8th Grade Action Shots

Jocelyn showing her warm smile.
Jesse, Danny, and Jeremy during gym class doing what they do best.

Brittany and Holly working on some homework.
Hailey reading in study hall.

What is it Jay?
Shaneva showing us some of her basketball skills.

Ashley taking a break from Algebra for a quick smile.
Emily and Kelly flashing us their smiles.

Bridget and Danny, best of friends.
Ricky and Zach rockin' out in Band class.

Jake, working hard as usual.
Jesse smirking for the camara.

Amanda, don't look so intersted.
Some girls having fun in gym class.

Olivia, the multi-tasker.
There's Phil during class.

Riley chasing after that ball!
Just another day in the life of the 8th grade.

You boys are looking a little suspicious. Heather, why so lonely?

Taylor smiling for us.
Benj is just hangin' out in Study Hall.

The goof balls of the the 8th grade.
Aww, how cute!

Getting some help in class.
Playin' some music in band.

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