~*Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools*~

Seventh Grade 2005-2006


7th-Grade Advisor:
Mrs. Rogan

Group Picture

Back Row: Taylor, Desirae, Brent, Dallas, Danielle, Derik, Corey, Dylan
Middle Row: Allison, Alicia, Brittany,Calvin, Adam, Beth, Tim, Jordan
Front: Amber, Kristi,Leah, Melissa, Michelle, Mariah,Taylor, Kylie

~*Classroom Shots*~


Beth, Brittany, and Taylor lined up for the camera.
Adam hard at work.
Danielle...when does this class end?
Kristi and Brent working on math homework.

Jordan better not tip over to far.
The band teacher, Mrs.Makeg, and her students.

Corey enjoying band class.
Amber just chillin.

Taylor, Taylor, Kristi, and Desirae posing for the camera :)
Corey, Tim and Dallas having a good time in school.

Alicia...don't concentrate to hard.
Alicia, Kylie, and Brittany.

Brent, Adam, and Derik.
Say cheese!

Allison,Michelle,Mariah,Melissa, and Leah
Allison playing a melody on her clarinet

The seventh grade girls taking a break from there hard game
Allison, Mariah, Melissa, and Amber being close friends with each other

Jordan and Danielle being the closest of friends
Jordan's dressed up as the charater he's presenting...can you guess who?

Danielle dressed up for her presentation
The seventh grade students after presenting

Desirea, Alicia, and Allison smiling cause it's Friday!
Mariah, Michelle, and Zach dressed up for their social studies presentation

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