Dollar Bay-Tamarack City Area Schools

Sixth Grade 2005-2006

     This is Ms. Kangas. She is the sixth grade teacher. This is her fourth year teaching at Dollar Bay.

Group Picture

       Back Row: Max, Vance, Devin, Greg, David, Travis, Jake
 Middle Row: Chase, Julia, Kyle, Tiia, Lucia 
1st Row:
Katie, Ashley, Mindy, Adeline

Action Shots

Mindy likes to listen to the teacher talk..
Vance is trying to figure out a math problem.

Travis and Greg are done with their homework.
Lucia, Travis, and Max love to do their math!

Devin looks like he's having fun!
Julia, Tiia, and Kyle work hard on their homework.

Ashley and Adeline think Kyle looks tired!
David doesn't quite know how his calculator works yet.

Katie loves gym class!
Jake looking up!

I know the answer, Call on me!!
Chase and Ashley are eager to learn.

The movie keeps the kids interested.....
Adeline works hard on her homework.

Chase doesn't want his picture taken! :D
Ashley's kind of shy....!

Jake gets into his book!
Kyle shares his book with Devin and David. What a nice friend!

Lucia helps Julia with her homework.
Lucia's trying not to look at the camera!

Mrs. Boutin helps Tiia with her homework.
Max and Vance are reading good books.

The kids say the Amelia Earhart movie was a good one!
Travis asks Mrs. Lamanen for help.

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