Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools

Fourth Grade 2005-2006

Mrs. Boutin 

     This is the fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Boutin. She said the best thing about being a teacher is when a stundent finally understands something, (when the light bulb turns on!) She went to Sumi College, MTU, NMU, and the University of Wisconsin, Whitewater College.  Her interests are, rock collecting and reading. Mrs. Boutin was married in 1969.
She has a husband, two grown children, and her dog, Holly.

Group Picture

Back: Reese, Paige, Kaitlin, Julia, Tommy, Courtney, Sean, Marah
Middle: Cody, Shelby, Tina, Janelle, Taylor, Macy, Cameron, Adrian
Front: Gabe, Anna, Christina, Torri, Dylan, Riley, Brady

Action Shots

Working hard girls!     
Brady's determined to get straight A's

The fourth grade boys show us how to pose!
We are Best Friends!

Shelby working on good grades.
Sean trying to concentrate.

Tina and Marah hangin out in the gym.
I'm always happy!

Dylan relaxes on a swing during recess.
Paige is good at the Monkey Bars!

Riley and Dyllan say "Hi!"
Is Kaitlin working or camera shy?

Macy loves school!
Cody and his faces....

Anna's working hard!
Having fun at recess!

Julia sure can run!
Reese loves this snow!

These boys are planning their next move.
Janelle's a Basketball Star!

Macy's good at Tether-ball!
Having fun on the Merry-go-Round!

Taylor and Courtney look happy!
Saun's about to kick a football.

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