Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools

Third Grade 2005-2006


The third grade teacher this year is Mrs. Grueb. She enjoys teaching and is hoping to have a good year teaching the class of 2015.

Group Picture

Back Row: Ciara,Lily, Justin,Morgan, Mikey, Larry & Jamie
Middle Row: Mandy, Alissa, Abby, Tanner, Stanley, Taylor & Alexandra
Front Row: Christine, Steven, Vianna, Nate, Jessica & Brooke

Action Shots

~Morgan, Steven, Justin & Larry standing to take a pose!~
~Stanley, Alexandra and Abigail reading.~

~Ciara  reading with her new hat on!~
~Mandy stops reading to flash a quick smile!~

~Lily smiling for the camara.~
~Michael looks so serious.~

~Nate busy with class work.~
~Vianna reading  quietly.~

~Tanner playing football during recess.~
~Alyssa, Taylor & Jamie smiling away.~

~Creative students.~
~Jessica flashing a smile~

~Jessica giving us a smile!~
~Tanner looking up from this reading!~

~Abby reading her book on p.j. day~
~Nate smiles for the camara!~

~Justin looks surprised!~
~Stanley taking a break to say hey!~

~Vianna intrested in her book!~
~Christine, Steven &  Jessica take a moment away from their reading!~

~ Mandy does not mind giving us a smile!~
~Stanley & Tanner listen to stories on the tapes!~

~Abby getting a little more help from  Mrs. Grueb!~
~Alyssa gives us a little smile!~

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