Dollar Bay Tamarack City Area Schools

Second Grade 2005-2006

Second Grade Teacher

       To the right is Mrs. Liz Leach.  She teaches during the morning session.
       To the left is Miss Miley Peters.  She teaches during the afternoon session. 

Group Picture

Back Row: Shirley, Brad, Ryan, Kevin, Toby, Ricky, Chet, Dominik, Will
Middle Row:  Elisha, Katrina, Alexis, Leah, Levi, Victoria, Nick
Front Row: Brianna, Katie, Carli, Rhett, Nick, Cory

Action Shots

Leah concentrating hard for her collage degree!
Cory, looking very suspicious...

Uh-oh! Dominik spots the camera.
Katrina enjoys Mr. O' Connor's lessons.

Hey, Nick knows the answer!
Looks like Ricky and Shirley are having fun!

Looks like Rhett's concentrating hard.

Elisha and Dominik share each others snacks.
Ricky's enjoying his snack. Open wide!

That was so cool!
trying to look as innocent as possible!

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