Dollar Bay-Tamarack City Area Schools

First Grade 2005-2006

This is the first grade teacher, Mrs. Kristy Heinonen.  She has been teaching for a few years now.  She's teaching the students a lot of things and they love having her as a teacher.  Mrs. Heinonen has been a great addition to our staff, and our school.  The children in her class are learning many new things.

Group Picture

Back Row: Tyler, Katie, Anne, Megan, Taylor, Kendra, Brandon, Libby

Middle Row: William, Kinsey, Cami, Morgan, Abel, Kamyon, Aaron, Clayton

1st Row: Brendon, Ethan, Sophia, Maddy, Gina, Quinn, David

Action Shots

Brendan taking a minute to smile for the camera
Sophia, Cami, Maddy, and Kindsey

William helping out by holding the door open.
Catie, Megan, and Taylor swinging outside.

Gina, Quinn, and Kendra smiling for us.
Taylor and Clayton playing with the teatherball.

Libbi washing her hands in the classroom.
Ethan and Quinn playing on the merry-go-round.

Brenden and William playing in the sand.
The class in action.

Gina doing some kind of trick!
Aaron, Libbi, and Taylor outside on the playground.

Cami enjoys her recess time!
Maddy, Cami and Kinsey take time to smile.

"We Love Being in the First Grade!"
The boys relax on the snow bank.

Hang On!
Megan loves Winter!

The First Grader love the Merry-Go-Round!
Maddy, Cami and Sophia show their balancing skills.

Abel smiles for the camera!
The kids have a lesson in time telling.

Smile Ethan!
The first grade girls strike a pose.

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