Dollar Bay - Tamarack City Area Schools
P.O. Box 371
Dollar Bay, MI  49922

5 Year Technology Plan

District School Improvement Vision/Mission Statement

Utilizing our uniquely small size, our mission is to:
 * educate students to compete successfully in our changing world
 * prepare students for life-long learning, and responsible citizenship
 * encourage social, emotional and physical well-being
by working cooperatively with organizations, our community and its families.

District Technology Vision/Mission Statement

Provide continuous growth in hardware and software to allow eventual total integration of technology across all curricula with a goal of increased communication skills for all students.


District Technology Team Members

Name                        Title/Role

Robert A. Barrette      Superintendent
Bill Tarbox                  Principal
William O’Connor       System Administrator/Computer Science Teacher
Lynn Lanala                 Teacher
Kevin Butler                Teacher
Duane Aho                  Board Member
Rick Nye                    Board Member
Bob Wareham            Board Member

School Improvement Goals 

Improve district wide reading and writing skills, and have a minimum of 66% or higher of students scoring satisfactory on the reading and writing MEAP.  Integrate writing across all curricula.

Improve district mathematics skills, and have a minimum of 66% or higher of students scoring satisfactory on the mathematics MEAP.

Improve science knowledge, and have a minimum of 66% or higher of students scoring satisfactory on the science MEAP.

Improve social studies knowledge, and have a minimum of 66% or higher of students scoring satisfactory on the social studies MEAP.

Technology Goals 

Provide students, teachers and staff with the technological tools necessary to increase proficiencies identified within the curriculum and school improvement plans.

Provide support and incentives for teachers and staff to learn technological skills and to plan for future technology.

Students, teachers, staff, parents and community members will have access to technological tools and skills necessary to effectively communicate with others both inside and outside the district.

Teachers and students will have the skills necessary to utilize technology as tools for the curriculum.Teachers and students will use technological skills across the curriculum.

Teachers and students will have the technology available to take advantage of virtual field trips, classes, collaborations, etc. beyond our own network.

Teachers, students, staff, parents and community members will be involved in the technological planning process.

All Students Will:

A.Use and transfer technological knowledge and skills for life roles (family member, citizen, worker, consumer, life long learner).

B.Use technologies to input, retrieve, manipulate, evaluate and communicate information.

C.Apply appropriate technologies to critical thinking, creative expression, and decision-making skills.

D.Employ a systematic approach to technological solutions by using resources and process to create, maintain, and improve products, systems and environments.

E.Apply ethical legal standards in planning, using, and evaluating technology; and

F.Evaluate the societal and environmental impacts of technology and forecast alternative uses and possible consequences to make informed civic, social and economic decisions.

Parental and Community Utilization of Technology

Currently the district supports the technology in the Osceola Township Public Library.The computers available in the library are available for public use during regular library hours, offering access to educational software, word processing, database, spreadsheet, on-line research databases, encyclopedias, and the Internet.

The district offers night courses on basic computer use.This includes word processing, database, spreadsheet, using software, and the Internet.

Children and their parents are encouraged to use computers in the Children’s area to explore computers and learning together by using primary software.

One of the district goals is to have open computer lab hours in the evening to provide additional public access to computers and computer resources.

The district has worked to improve communication with parents and the community through newsletters, technology demonstrations at open house, and establishment of the district web site.The web site is currently under construction, and when completed will offer a wide variety of information pertaining to the district, and will include a list of weekly assignments.

Description Of Technologies To Be Acquired

To implement the district technology plan and meet its goals and objectives, the following technologies will be acquired:

 Acquire additional classroom computers to establish writing centers in each elementary
 classroom, and in each core area secondary classroom.

 An additional file server and Internet proxy software

 Acquire additional curriculum software

 Acquire laptop computers for a computer lending library

How Acquired Technologies Will Be Integrated

The expansion of the building network, through which Internet access is provided, combined with the acquisition of hardware will provide greater access to information.  With the acquisition of laptop computers and wireless hubs, it will enable teachers and administrators to collaborate and improve communication within the district and with colleagues in other districts/areas.

The acquisition of computer stations in the classroom and the establishment of writing centers will provide staff and students with greater access to computers.  This will enhance their competence and develop skills in the use of technology and communication.

Computers, multimedia technologies, and a circulating laptop lending library will enable teachers to more effectively use the technologies as teaching and learning tools.  This will allow varied learning styles to be addressed and will enhance the tailoring of curriculum and instruction to the needs of the individual learners.  In particular, with the purchase of appropriate software, the technologies will be utilized to address the reading and writing objectives at all grade levels.

Program Development/Collaboration With Adult Literacy

The existing and new technologies will be utilized to provide enrichment programs, workshops and courses for adults.  Through the interactive distance learning system similar programs will be offered as they become available.

Description of Sustained Professional Development

The district school improvement and technology committee will meet regularly.  Both committees, as a part of their overall effort, identify needs for professional development for staff members.  Professional development is seen as a key component of the districts technology plans.  Staff will receive periodic training in expanding their understanding and use of technology.

Sources Of Ongoing Training & Technical Assistance

A part of the district plan for professional development will be the attendance of staff members at local, regional, and state level technology conferences and workshops.

The district has resource people on staff will be available to assist other staff members and will provide individual and group training sessions.

Inservice days will be scheduled each year and will be used to provide ongoing training and support.  For these days, a variety of resource people have been identified.

Staff members will have the possibility of attending conferences or workshops that directly relate to using technology in the classroom.

Short courses will be offered to staff members on evenings and weekends.Courses will last from 6 to 12 hours, and would be free of charge.

Technical support and training is available through REMC 1 personnel.

Description Of Supporting Resources

The district technology committee includes resource people, both staff and community members, with expertise in various areas of technology, including curriculum, software, hardware, and networking.

The Copper Country ISD and REMC 1 provide assistance and support for the distance learning system, the Internet/e-mail services, State bid purchasing, trouble-shooting, and training/staff development activities.

The district has contracted with Computer Mechanics for support services to our district.

Each computer will have a variety of application software.  This will include Internet software (e.g. Netscape, Internet Explorer, etc.) and application software such as Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word, etc.

Each classroom, as well as the library, will be provided with a software bundle appropriate to the setting.  This will include teacher resource software, information resources on CD, and curriculum software.

The district will provide scan converters, digital cameras and projection unit to allow use of the equipment for entire class activities involving the technology.

Michigan Technological University personnel have indicated a willingness to assist the school district in planning and developing educational technologies.

Charter Cable Company provides cable distribution to all district classrooms and supports a public access channel, such as PBS, the History Channel, etc.

The Michigan Department of Education and the US office of Education provide various resources for school districts.

The Dollar Bay-Tamarack City School Foundation supports the school district in acquiring hardware, software and other resources.

Timetable For Implementation

2002 - 2003

Establish a computer lending library.

Establish writing centers in elementary classrooms.

Upgrade equipment in the distance learning classroom which will add video-conferencing capabilities, and expand curricula received through that resource.

Acquire an additional file server and Internet proxy software.

Expand community technology offerings and workshops.

Establish Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) lab, and add CAD Course to high school offerings.

Assess and revise professional development plan.

Continue to acquire, and update curriculum software.

Contract with Michigan Virtual High School to provide appropriate curricula, and training opportunities.

2003 - 2004

Continue to acquire, and update curriculum software.

Establish writing centers in secondary school core classrooms.

Continue to contract with Michigan Virtual High School to provide appropriate curricula, and training opportunities.

Upgrade high school computer lab.

Update technology curriculum.

Assess and revise professional development plan.

2004 - 2005

Upgrade administrative software package.

Expand opportunities for community members to utilize district technology resources.

Assess and revise professional development plan.

Continue process of hardware upgrades

Continue to acquire, and update curriculum software.

Continue to contract with Michigan Virtual High School to provide appropriate curricula, and training opportunities.

Update technology curriculum.

2005 – 2006

Expand the use of wireless technology.

Assess and revise professional development plan.

Continue process of hardware upgrades

Continue to acquire, and update curriculum software.

Continue to contract with Michigan Virtual High School to provide appropriate curricula, and training opportunities.

2006 – 2007

Assess and revise professional development plan.

Continue process of hardware upgrades

Continue professional development in technology for teachers and other staff.

Continue to acquire, and update curriculum software.

Continue to contract with Michigan Virtual High School to provide appropriate curricula, and training opportunities.

Update technology curriculum.

Upgrade mobile computer lab.

Projected Costs Of Technologies And Related Expenses

2002 - 2003     $ 128,000
2003 - 2004     $ 134,000
2004 - 2005     $ 138,000
2005 - 2006     $ 120,000
2006 - 2007     $ 140,000
5 - Year Total: $ 660,000

Coordination Of Available State AndLocal Grant Resources

Potential financial resources to support the technology plan are as follows:

Technology Line Item - The district’s budget will include a line item for technology, which will be dedicated to implementing and supporting technology throughout the district.

Foundation Funds - The Dollar Bay - Tamarack City Public School foundation will provide funds to the district ear marked for the academic program.

Universal Service Fund Discounts - These discounts will be used to reduce costs of expanding the districts voice, and data networking and for telecommunication services.

Other Sources - Various other sources will be used as available.  These include community businesses and service groups; grants for the State of Michigan, federal programs, and foundations; consortium grants coordinated through REMC 1 and the Copper Country ISD, and other resources that may be identified.

The district will apply for funding through the Technology Literacy Challenge Fund program and will seek to take advantage of such programs as the Ameritech Technology Academy to provide additional resources.

 The district participates in an area wide distance learning consortium and a vocational center consortium.

Evaluation Of Progress And Impact

1.  A regular review process coordinated by the district technology committee will assess the districts K-12 technology curriculum against Michigan Curriculum Frameworks and National Educational Goals.  The revised K-12 computer curriculum document will be published and distributed and will be included in the districts long-range technology plan and in the school improvement plan and annual report.

2.  The district will continue to develop student assessments and will monitor student performance trends using these tools, together with student performance on the State MEAP tests.  Resources such as the National Education Technology Standards for Students (2000) will be used in evaluating curriculum and in developing the local assessment tools, as well as classroom strategies.  MEAP performance summaries and summary reports of student performance on locally developed assessments will be used to evaluate and report impact on student achievement.

3.  The integration of technology into the teaching and learning process will be a component of the districts teacher evaluation process.  Professional development records will be maintained for each teacher.  Information from teacher evaluations and the professional development records will be used in planning professional development activities during the year.

4. Staff survey will continue to be used to determine training and support needs, obtain qualitative assessments of teacher technology fluency, as well as types of student uses of computers/technology.


Dollar Bay – Tamarack City Area Schools Policy on District-Provided Access to Electronic Information, Services, and Networks.
Freedom of expression is an inalienable human right and the foundation for self-government. Freedom of expression encompasses the right to freedom of speech and the corollary right to receive information. Such rights extend to minors as well as adults. Schools facilitate the exercise of these rights by providing access to information regardless of format or technology. In a free and democratic society, access to information is a fundamental right of citizenship.
In making decisions regarding student access to the Internet, the Dollar Bay – Tamarack City Area Schools considers its own stated educational mission, goals, and objectives. Electronic information research skills are now fundamental to preparation of citizens and future employees. Access to the Internet enables students to explore thousands of libraries, databases, bulletin boards, and other resources while exchanging messages with people around the world. The District expects that faculty will blend thoughtful use of the Internet throughout the curriculum and will provide guidance and instruction to students in its use. As much as possible, access from school to Internet resources should be structured in ways which point students to those which have been evaluated prior to use. While students will be able to move beyond those resources to others that have not been previewed by staff, they shall be provided with guidelines and lists of resources particularly suited to learning objectives.The district will comply with all filtering requirements required by federal and state law.
Outside of school, families bear responsibility for the same guidance of Internet use as they exercise with information sources such as television, telephones, radio, movies, and other possibly offensive media.
Students utilizing District-provided Internet access must first have the permission of and must be supervised by the Dollar Bay – Tamarack City Area Schools’ professional staff. Students utilizing school-provided Internet access are responsible for good behavior on-line just as they are in a classroom or other area of the school. The same general rules for behavior and communications apply.

The purpose of District-provided Internet access is to facilitate communications in support of research and education. To remain eligible as users, students' use must be in support of and consistent with the educational objectives of the Dollar Bay – Tamarack City Area Schools Access is a privilege, not a right. Access entails responsibility.

Users should not expect that files stored on school-based computers will always be private. Electronic messages and files stored on school-based computers may be treated like school lockers. Administrators and faculty may review files and messages to maintain system integrity and insure that users are acting responsibly.

The following uses of school-provided Internet access are not permitted:

a. to access, upload, download, or distribute pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit material;

b. to transmit obscene, abusive, sexually explicit, or threatening language;

c. to violate any local, state, or federal statute;

d. to vandalize, damage, or disable the property of another individual or organization;

e. to access another individual's materials, information, or files without permission; and,

f. to violate copyright or otherwise use the intellectual property of another individual or organization without permission.

Any violation of District policy and rules may result in loss of District-provided access to the Internet. Additional disciplinary action may be determined at the building level in keeping with existing procedures and practices regarding inappropriate language or behavior. When and where applicable, law enforcement agencies may be involved.

The Dollar Bay – Tamarack City Area Schools makes no warranties of any kind, neither expressed nor implied, for the Internet access it is providing. The District will not be responsible for any damages users suffer, including--but not limited to--loss of data resulting from delays or interruptions in service. The District will not be responsible for the accuracy, nature, or quality of information stored on District diskettes, hard drives, or servers; nor for the accuracy, nature, or quality of information gathered through District-provided Internet access. The District will not be responsible for personal property used to access District computers or networks or for District-provided Internet access. The District will not be responsible for unauthorized financial obligations resulting from District-provided access to the Internet.

Parents of students in the Dollar Bay – Tamarack City Area Schools shall be provided with the following information:

NOTICE: This policy and all its provisions are subordinate to local, state, and federal statutes.
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