
This is Ms. Callog. She's the advisor for the 10th grade class.

Top left: Dustin, Breanne, Kristen, Shea, Josh
Middle left: Kieran, Holly, Chelsea, Caitlin, Amber, Kyle
Bottom left: Sam, Coalton, LaCresha, Pamela, Krystle, Mike, Nathan

Action Shots

Nathan smirking for the camera.
Mike & Kristen smile for the camera as chelsea is in deep thought.
Holly smiles while in class.
Kieran tries to look happy when I interrupted her.
Kristen takes a break from hotmail to smile for the camera.
Mike turns and gives a smile. 
Josh gives a smirk for the camera.
Pamela: "Okay go away now."
Sam gets her picture taken while in publications.
El'suavo Nathan poses for the camera.
Pam and Amber cuddle for the picture.
Coalton is just paying SO much attention in Business Math.
Caitlin doesn't want to look at the camera for the shot.
LaCresha is photographed while she's in class.
Kyle's busy at work on the computer.
Shea takes time out of class for a photo.
Krystle and Pam stand up for a pose. (This was the 12th attempt at a picture that they liked.)
Dustin gives a smile while in world history.

Favorite class quotes:

"I am nobody, and nobody is perfect, therefore, I am Perfect."

"People who are afraid of heights, really are afraid of falling,
then again it's the sudden stop at the end that they're afraid of.
The sudden stop is the ground. So aren't they really afraid of the ground?

"For I dipt into the future, far as the human eye could see,
saw a vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be."
-Alfred Tennyson



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